Monday, November 25, 2013

Last Minute Thanksgiving Decoration Ideas

With Thanksgiving days away, and given the fact that I, for some reason, volunteered to host the dinner for my family as well as my husband's family that we have in town, I was stricken with the craft bug this weekend. I just wanted a few things to spruce up the house and make it feel a bit more festive. Now for me this means a few simple and subtle decorations around the house, I am not one for clutter and gaudiness in decoration. Keeping this in mind, I came up with four simple decorations that were quick and easy to do that could help our house to look a bit more eventful. 3 of the 4 I either saw on Pinterest or YouTube one is pretty much a variance of one of the other decorations. So let's talk DIY:

1. Monogram Burlap Wreath

I have been seeing these all over Pinterest lately and got the bug to make one when a friend of mine from high school posted a pic of one that she had made the day before. After talking with her and getting advice on how she made hers and watching numerous YouTube videos on how to make burlap wreaths, I pretty much just made up a way that I felt was right on how to make it look good. I actually have no idea how exactly I made the wreath but I do know it took less than an hour. I would suggest looking at a few Pinterest pictures and just playing with it until it looks the way you want.

2. Glam Glitter Candles

For these, I took candles that I already had and taped halfway through the candle with scotch tape. Next, I used a paintbrush sponge to coat the bottom half with mod podge. While it's still wet I poured glitter all over the bottom  of the candle. I would suggest using an adhesive spray after this step just so that the glitter doesn't end up all over everything you place it on. (A lesson I learned the hard way..)

3. Gussied up Glitter Candle Holders

For these, I used some candle holders I got at the dollar store and using a paintbrush, I painted a pattern in mod podge and poured glitter over the outside of the candle holder. This literally took less than 5 minutes and it looks like something you bought!

4. Burlap Lace Table Runner
I saw a pin for a burlap and lace table runner and thought "How gorgeous!" However after seeing the price tag, I though, "hmmm, I wonder if I could make that myself?" And thus the journey began. For the record this is the pin is is based on:
Pretty right? And if I might add, looks awfully close to my diy creation :). So, a quick pictorial on how I made the table runner:
Materials: one 15' roll of 12" burlap, two 9' rolls 2.5" lace ribbon (even though I am only showing one...), fray check (optional), hot glue gun (or fabric glue if you're fancy..) I started out using fabric glue but switched to hot glue because of the mess and trouble the sewing glue gave me...
 Roll out your burlap..
 Measure the length you want the table runner to be (in my case 8')
And cut!
I added some fray check to the cut end of the burlap to ward off any unraveling or loosening of the burlap weaving.

I glued the lace down one side at a time. I wanted the lace to lay flat and pretty much stick to the burlap on all sides. If you want you can just run the glue down the middle of the lace and let the edges hang free.  The rest is pretty much just gluing down the edges of ribbon to the burlap. If you use hot glue, be careful not to burn yourself because the holes in the lace and burlap will try to make it really easy for you. In the end you'll have a quick and pretty creation that will look like you either spent a lot of money on it or spent a lot of time working on it..

And if you're a more visual learner, check out this video...

I actually love planning and hosting events so I'm pretty excited for Turkey Day, not just for the break from work..I'm in it for the food...

Happy crafting,


Random Fact for the Day:
Four is the only number that has the same amount of letters as its actual value..

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