Hi there! Want to see how I do my summer makeup for a more natural look, like this?
Check out this video!
Happy Friday-eve!
Random Fact of the Day:
Every year there are close to 900 million lipsticks sold worldwide. That means almost every single person in the United States could own three tubes of lipstick!
So I am constantly looking for ways to beautify the spaces I occupy and recently I have become very interested in letter blocking (I'm not sure if that is a real term, but let's pretend it is...) and I have always loved the rustic look of burlap. Ok, enough of the background, let's get down to the nitty gritty. Here's how I made a framed burlap that can be used for your home, apartment, dorm room, office or whatever space you feel needs a little sprucing up. It is very quick and easy with few materials used.
Here's what I started with:
8x10 frame I purchased from the dollar tree
9" letter from hobby lobby
letter stencils
acrylic paint
a roll of 12" natural burlap
paint brushes
hot glue gun (not pictured)
Here we go:
First I started out by painting the frame black. The bronzey gold color did not match with the other deco in our home, plus I love black and gray so there you go... I didn't get a picture of the painted frame but you can use your imagination...sorry.
Next I painted my letter of choice (the "H" representing our last name...) and seeing as I am also currently obsessed with all things teal:
Here's what I ended up with
Next, I cut the burlap using the frame glass as a guide. I cut it with about a 1" allowance around the glass.
I then hot glued the burlap to the glass. This is where the 1" allowance comes in handy because burlap will stretch the way it wants to and you want to have that extra so that you maintain some form of control (no matter how feeble your attempts.)
Be sure to cut off the excess
And you will have something that looks like this
And place the burlaped glass back in the frame, burlap side facing out.
I like the pewter black much better than the bronze
Hot glue the letter we painted onto the burlap--you need to do this in one quick motion, no lolly gagging! And you will end up with something like this
Purty, ain't it?
I think so at least
Now go and try it on your own! Til next time!
Random Fact of the Day--In honor of the World Cup:
Soccer was developed in London’s Newgate Prison in the early 1800s. Prisoners who had their hands cut off for crimes of theft came up with a sport that used only the feet. The rest is history.