Saturday, November 21, 2015

Busy Busy Busy

Hey friends! So I have been crazy busy with a few personal projects and I am super excited to share them with you. This is just a little in between post to share that yes, I am still alive and kicking and I am still trying to keep my end of the Blog More promise from my 30 before 30 list. Anywho...that's all I have folks. See you soon with some new happenings!


Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Importance of Diversity

This post was written September 16th but due to a super busy schedule lately, I did not get around to editing/posting it until just now. Just know that the week’s events refer to the week of 9/13/15... Carry on.

Recent events in my life and in the world around us have me thinking about people.  Specifically, what drives people and how they come to form the different points of view that shape us all. I feel that diversity is such an important aspect of life but more on that later… Let’s get to the background for this post.
            Last week, one of my nephews experienced racial prejudice directed toward him that, understandably, made him very upset. The what, the how and the why is not what is important here. What is important is that he felt discriminated against and made to feel a certain way that was unwarranted. We talked about it and while he seemed to be fine with letting the issue roll off his back and let it go, for some reason the incident has stuck with me even a week later.
            In other news, a high school freshman a smooth one state away from my home was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school to show his teachers. The kid, whose hobbies included various aspects of engineering, of course, was excited to bring this invention to school only to be accused of making a hoax bomb and being arrested and questioned by the police WITHOUT the presence of his parents.
            In case you’re unsure of where I’m going with this, I am wanting to express the importance of diversity to show that a lack of it can be detrimental to our world view and it can negatively affect the lives of those around us.
            And when I say diversity, I mean in all aspects of life. For example, my husband and I are trying to make it a point to visit as many states within the country as we can as well as travel to other countries to experience other cultures. I think that the act of going to a foreign land and appreciating the beauty in the differences in culture held around the world has helped to positively shape my world view. It strengthens the resolve of oneness I feel is present throughout the human race no matter the heritage but it also illuminates the beauty in the uniqueness of coming in contact with someone who is not like you. This can be achieved here in our own country, state, city, or town as well. Just taking the time to get to know and form relationships with people who differ from you can be so beneficial. It shows you that not everyone has to be like you, look like you, talk like you, come from the same background as you and it’s ok. It doesn’t make them any less human, any less intelligent, or any less credible.
In the same way, a friend of ours has put together this study group of her friends from different groups that included us and a few others (and we are quickly becoming fast friends to one another as well..) It is amazing to get perspective from those who differ from me, it allows me to approach situations in ways that I may not have even considered otherwise. I want to always continue to broaden my relationships in order to never get complacent in one frame of thinking and I would encourage others to do the same. There is always room for an evolution of thought, within reason. I am not asking you to abandon your principles. I am asking you to question them. How did you form them? What holds them together? What could change your mind about them?
I think that an open heart would never have felt as though they could make hurtful accusations to a 15 year old kid and feel in any way justified in them. A cultured mind would not feel that because a child is Muslim (I am assuming this was the major factor in the teacher’s “fear”) that the homemade digital clock he is bringing to school is in some way dangerous. Despite his lack of delinquent behavior and his adamant pleading that it was indeed a homemade clock.  Encouraging those around me to get out and see the world, experience other cultures, build relationships with those who have opposing views is the best remedy I can offer to a lack of understanding diverse perspectives. What it all boils down to is the ability to see a situation from someone else’s point of view. How can we expect to understand our own perspective when we haven’t experienced anything of the world and attempted to learn from those around us?
I would encourage everyone to make an effort to get out of your comfort zone and experience the world around you. Don’t be trapped in this bubble of sameness. Go. Livc. Do. Trust me, you’ll be better for it.


Thursday, September 3, 2015

30 Before Thirty

I recently had a birthday. Although I am grateful for the memories and lessons that came with the past year, I can honestly say that I am ready to take on a new year with fresh eyes and vision for what lies ahead. There is no turning back, what’s passed is past. And so, with the newfound realization that I will be 30 in just a few short years—three to be exact—there  are a few things that I feel are important for me to accomplish (or at least attempt to) before I hit that landmark birthday. For lack of a better term, I am calling it 30 before 30, I have seen it circling the internet and decided that I’d give it a go. So here is my wish list of feats I attempt to do in the next few years leading up to my 30th Birthday. I must warn you, it’s a pretty ambitious list...

30 before 30

1.   Develop as a writer
o    Something I have always wished I was better at
2.   Master the guitar
o    I would love the ability to play more than just parts of songs…
3.   Learn a Foreign language or two or three
o    Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves here though, but a girl can dream…for now we’ll stick with at least one
4.   Become a better Christian
o    More of a lifetime goal but it would be great to have a solid foundation by the end of my twenties
5.   Get better at graphic design
o    I love being creative and making things by hand, I would love to increase that creativity with developed graphic design skills
6.   Master 10 signature recipes
o   I’m on my way, I have a solid 3 or 4 under my belt currently..
7.  Become an organized person
o    A lifelong struggle…
8.  Master sewing
o    I am determined to sew all of my future children’s clothing
9.   Learn to dress other people
o    Starting with my husband…
10.  Ride in a helicopter
o    Because they're awesome...
11. Plan a really big event
o    We’re talking huge.
12. Become a great photographer (and learn to edit photos..)
o    Because who else is going to take all of the obsessive pictures I will require of my future children?
13. Learn how to do a hand stand
o    I tried once and nearly had a panic attack…
14. Run the Nike Women’s Marathon
15. Meditate weekly
o    And hopefully work our way up to daily
16. Learn to knit
17.Write/publish a book
o    I would also love to illustrate a book, if I can ever convince my sister to collab with me…
18.Go camping
o    One that no doubt excites my ever-adventurous husband
19. Read 30 books
20. Blog regularly
o    The current goal is weekly..
21. Grow (and keep alive) a garden
o    The ultimate sign of adulthood…
22.Visit a castle
23. Go rock climbing
24.Take piano lessons
o    I promise I could have been a musical prodigy as a child if given the chance lol
25.Participate in a 30 day challenge
26.Travel more
o    I’d love to hit at least 5 more countries before 30…and increase my list of U.S. states visited..
27. Finish my wedding scrapbook
o    4+ years in the game and that thing still remains unfinished, staring at me from its little box every time I walk into the office
28.  Perform 30 acts of kindness in the month of my birthday
o    What a better way to welcome my 30th birthday?
29.Read the Bible cover to cover
30.  Become a mom
o    Because by 30 I should have my crap together enough to make it happen right?


Let's Start Over

"Let's give love their wings..."

Hello, and welcome. I recently gave the blog a much needed face lift to give us a fresh start in what I hope will be a consistent schedule of sharing. It is my hope that I can use this space to share photos, recipes, dreams, goals…my life. I want this to be a creative outlet for me and an inspiration for those around me. I have many plans and it only seems fitting that I share them with those around me. So, if you are up for the journey, come take a ride with me as we navigate this thing called life. I promise to check in more…


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Birthday Recap (2014)

So my birthday was last week (woot) and I decided to celebrate by having family and friends over for an ice cream social. Well, I believe it goes without saying but I will say it anyway....I am a bit on the theatrical side, I am also obsessed with the fashion of the 1940's and 1950's. Needless to say this ice cream social would include a dress code. Running with this theme, I decided to play dress-up all week in celebration of my party--pictures below.

I also spent the week preparing  about 7 or 8 different flavors of ice cream for the party. The flavors I ended up with were:

  • Chocolate
  • Vanilla Bean
  • Strawberry (with strawberry chunks!)
  • Cookies and Creme
  • Orange Sherbet (coconut milk edition)
  • Berry Sorbet (strawberry, raspberry and blueberry to be exact...)
  • Chai (vegan--made with cashews. Not my fav)
Of course, in all the excitement I forgot to document the ice cream making journey, I did get this photo however...Yum.

The party was great, the ice cream was fab (you'll just have to take my word for it) and it was great spending time with family and friends. 

One of my sisters got me this book. As you can see it is already tabbed, I can't wait to get started on some new projects...

I love entertaining. Sometimes I do think I may have been born in the the wrong era. I would have made a glorious socialite. Anywho, I digress. Family, friends, fun, what more could you ask for? Ice cream maybe.... Til next time friends.


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Vintage Style | DIY...kinda

If you know me well then you know how much I love vintage style. Seriously. If I had the money to completely redo my wardrobe, or the sewing proficiency (someday) I would do it in a heartbeat. Of course my era of choice would be a hodgepodge of the 1940s and 1950s decades..

Well, I have neither the money, nor the current sewing ability to completely re-start my clothing life as a 1950's housewife so until then I will have to settle for a slow but steady changeover with with outfits I created from finds at my local thrift store. Let's have a look at some shall we? First, let's look at some style inspiration. Ready for an onslaught of photographs? Ok, let's go...

Ok, let me just say...I love EVERYTHING about this outfit!

Oh Grace Kelly, anytime you want simple elegance, she's your girl..

I love these pants on Marilyn Monroe! Although I think she may have still been Norma Jeane here...

More Grace Kelly if you didn't get enough...

I love this shot of these 3 ladies on bikes but peep their still have to be fashionable even on casual bike rides!

The late, great Ms. Lena Horne...gorgeous woman; elegant, sultry, and I love her hair in all of these photos!

And one more time for Ms. Marilyn Monroe...

Ok, now let me show you some of the outfits I put together that was inspired by these lovely ladies...

Outfit 1
This one is probably my favorite out of all of the outfits I put together. I was trying to channel Grace Kelly elegance. All I needed was a sleek bun...

Outfit 2

Here I was going for a Lucille Ball type casual outfit. I could wear this everyday...

 Outfit 3
With this outfit I wanted to channel what I thought a professional woman would look like in the 40's or 50's. For some reason I had a school director in my mind...

Quick makeup shot. Red lipstick is a must...

Outfit 4
Ahh the finale, I was going for casual, fun and flirty..

Don't mind my Rosie the Riviter-esque posing here, I'm a nerd 

And of course here I had to play into a re-enactment of the above photo of the women on bicycles. Except I opted for no shoes instead of the fancy ones they had on. I'm still in search of satisfactory shoes...

Anywho, here is my first attempt on vintage style, I am sure I will post another once I have acquired a few more pieces. If all else fails there is always the default to the poodle skirts and sweetheart necklines... I just wanted to put together a few outfits that did not include skirts or dresses, although that is my favorite style choice when it comes to 1940's and 50's fashion. We all need to get out of our comfort zones sometimes though right? 

I have a Pinterest board with all of my vintage inspirations, granted they are mostly pins of women from Old Hollywood, but I believe there are some links that could steer anyone looking for vintage style inspiration for children or men in the right direction...

And if you want to see a bit more of the outfits I put together, check out this video!

Until next time peeps!


Random Fact for the Day: To Have and Have Not (1945) is the only instance when a Nobel prize-winning author (Ernest Hemingway) was adapted for the screen by another Nobel-winning author (William Faulkner)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Natural Looking Makeup

Hi there! Want to see how I do my summer makeup for a more natural look, like this?

Check out this video!

Happy Friday-eve! 


Random Fact of the Day:
Every year there are close to 900 million lipsticks sold worldwide. That means almost every single person in the United States could own three tubes of lipstick!